Tuesday, December 19, 2006
X'mas season, rainy season
Oh ya... This Saturday we have a flea market stall around Cineleisure, commonly known as the Lime flea market. Do come and have a walk if you're free. We'll be selling stuffs like bags, keychains, necklace, handphone accessories, etc. I just hope it wont rain cats and dogs like these few days. *Fingers crossed*
Monday, December 18, 2006
Guangzhou trip
Anyway, the GZ trip was quite tiring coz dar and me didn’t went there for fun and holiday - but for a "mission". I practically felt like a typical China-man over there with our main mode of transportation by "kar". Yes, I didn’t spell the "kar" wrongly. "Kar" as in legs in hokkien, not those 4 wheel vehicle cars T_T Well, not that we wanna torture ourselves la, but the places that we wanted to go are mostly within walking distances from our hotel. Its like taking a cab at Raffles City and ask the taxi uncle to go to Bugis, no point right?
Accommodation wise, we lived in a 3 stars hotel which dar's friend had helped us booked earlier. The hotel room was very spacious with a mini hall, same as any other hotel only that they didn’t have a fridge. And our room view was facing a river. Yes, the picture you see below is our hotel room view. And part of my daily routine when I wake up is to open the window to check out if its cold outside and dress appropriately.

Have you heard before fruit steamboat? Sounds innovative huh? We had fruit steamboat for 1 of our dinner. No, no... Its not dipping fruits into the steamboat in replacement to the meat and vege. It’s only the soup that's just make up with fruits. Ya... You can see from the picture, there's a plate of meat, prawns, vege, etc. that comes together with this steamboat set which we ordered. And inside the steamboat soup there's apple, lemongrass and some clueless-leaves. They even took out a fresh coconut and poured the juice in. I was like "ewww... Can our stomach take such weird combination?"

Anyway, the soup turned out to be very nice and sweet after we throw in and boil our meat and vege. Tasted like tom yam soup without the spicy part. Ya... And as expected, after the meal, dar and me were shopping halfway, had stomache and rush back to hotel toilet to "bomb". The steamboat was too "nutritious" I guess X_X
Dar and me went to the K-Box during our last night at GZ. Wah kao... Their K-Box lighting and deco outside the KTV room is like our disco. Its like, so dark. Even the toilet is dark. The only light you see in the toilet is the luminous blue light shining at the toilet bowl and basin. I saw the toilet cleaner holding the dustpan and I wonder if she can see what she is sweeping or cleaning in the toilet -_-|||

I'm amazed by their mike hygiene which I don't get to see in Singapore - they cover the head of the mike with a black cover sheet. I had stripped the cover so you can see better in the pic. Anyway, who knows if they change that sheet cover right...? Maybe that's the reason why they use black colour so as to camou any yellowish stains that's left behind from evaporated saliva from previous patrons. X_X
Well, all in all, it’s an eye-opening trip. Get to see lotsa business opportunities and lotsa things which we don’t get to see in urban Singapore.
Oh ya, I must mention about our Singaporean "spirit" on the trip back to Singapore. Dar and me were sitting around the gate waiting for boarding at GZ airport back to Singapore. And then we saw a guy wearing a NUS jacket placing his bag and stood in front of the gate-counter. A few minutes later an old aunty pulled her bag and placed hers behind this guy's bag and walked away. Then another few minutes later, another aunty joined her bag in the queue too. And it goes on and on until the bag queue almost crossed the other side of the boarding gate and had to make a "L" turn. -_-||| I'm proud of Singaporeans' orderly spirit. But I'm ashamed about Singaporeans' kiasu-ism mindset. *Salute*

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sickly weekend
Was down with fever, nose block and sore throat on Saturday evening after attending dar's campmate's wedding banquet. Took dar's flu tablet on the very night. Sunday morning my whole body was feeling so lethargic and felt like my head suddenly weigh tons; I had to rest in bed most of the time.
Anyway, feeling better today, headache gone. But sore throat and nose block are still there T_T
Friday, November 24, 2006
Counting down
Next Friday will be my company trip to Port Dickson/Malacca. Following Wednesday after my company trip will be trip to Guangzhou with dar... Woo hoo~
December's gonna be a short working month... ^_^
When bubbly becomes quiet,
When cheerfulness becomes stonefulness
When optimistic becomes pessimistic,
When liveliness becomes lassitude,
When a pair of bright eyes becomes lifeless,
When tears no longer flow,
When the spirit leaves the soul.
When I see the change in me,
When you see a different me,
When I want back my original self,
And I realise it ain't that easy.
PSLE results are out
Ya... I know its none of my business but I've got quite a number of colleagues' children under this batch mah. Moreover this is the lunch topic for yesterday and morning topic for today in office...
Most of my colleagues are having headache for the choice of secondary school, which I think, is not really so exactly important ba. Ya... I know all parents want the best for their children. But I feel that the name of the seconday school a child get into, is more like a branding which speaks for where they stand in their PSLE. Coz in my opinion, so what if the child enter into a so-so secondary? What's more important is the child's intelligence and diligence when they enter into the next education phase. Just my 2 cents worth. Afterall, employers look at results, not really at branding *Shrugz*. Well, I am a good example. I got into a lousy secondary school but I scored fairly well in my 'O' levels. Bleah... =þ
Take note
If you don't want your eyes to get infection or go blind, better check the lot number on the bottle if you're using this brand. You can read more of the product recall details over here.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Even fortune teller ask me to change
Well, the fortune teller was quite accurate in what she says. And after that visit, I guess its time I should change. Ya... Change. By not bottling things to myself and opening my window to others. Ermm... Easier said than done coz its like I've been kinda introverted for the past quarter-century *shrugz*.
Well, to those who knows me well, I'm actually quite crazy and crappy. Yes, this is the other side of me. That fortune teller says inside of me is an extremely warm nature (re qin) but sadly I appear cold outside. Warm nature... When she said that I was cheekily imagining myself saying hi and hugging everyone in the office or when I see friends outside. Eww... Sounds and looks flirty?
Friday, November 17, 2006
Wee... Dec coming soon
Guess what, its already mid of November!
Exactly 2 more weeks to my 2-days-forced-to-go-company-trip to Port Dickson/Malacca (such lousy locations T_T), 2 and half more weeks to my Guangzhou trip with dar and around 5 weeks to x'mas holiday. Yeah... Happy happy...

My workdesk is very neat now, ma chiam preparing to go on leave anytime. Heh...
Counting down, counting down...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Irritating fringe

My fringe is getting longer and poking my eyes. Argh... Irritating. And its gathering pimples on my forehead as well. Grr... Gotta ta han. Must wait for it to be long enough to hook behind my ears. Which is... a few more weeks? Sigh... Now all I can do is clip them up when I'm at work so it won't hinders my vision. Cut it? Then I have to keep maintaining that short length coz the same problem will repeat again. Sigh...
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
JB weight gaining trip

Had butter clayfish, cereal prawns, kailan, mee goreng, gyoza (10 pcs), ice kacang and a super big cup sugarcane juice. Yea... Just the 2 of us. Power right? You wouldn't want to imagine the "power" we acumulated in our stomach. Feels like carebear who can shoot out their power from their stomach anytime, you know, rainbow lah, hearts lah, stars lah... we shoot out nothing, but an extremely bloated tummy and the belly button -_-||| And the pathetic part is we actually planned to walk across the causeway back to Singapore to help us digest and burn faster, but we ended up taking the bus instead. Sigh... hopeless. Putting on weight again.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Cloak of invisibility?! Cool~
Can you imagine if the scientists really successfully invent the cloak that makes an item totally invisible? Woo... I can visualize lotsa invisible people walking around, see flying objects anywhere, magicians everywhere performing now-you-see-it-now-you-don't, get bumped/slapped/beaten up without knowing who's the culprit, suddenly find your sis/bro missing for a few weeks only to realise they've been in the house all the while... Well if there's no law enforcement, criminal rates will definitely shoot up.
One of the handy use I think of is travelling on a coach. You know, when we go travelling especially on a coach for long ulu distances with few stops. We can use the cloak to make ourselves invisible and pee or shit right in front of the other passengers without having to eudure till we can feel the bladder ballooning and bursting or leaking anytime. I just hope the cloak makes the smell invisble too. If not the whole coach will start covering their nose and frown to the sudden shitty stink, thinking they are passing by a dung processing factory...

Anyway, I think it'll take another few more years to create a cloak of total invisibility la... And I think even if its succesful, it'll be purely for scientific use bah...
Monday, October 30, 2006
Hardest word I learnt this year
A plain and simple word. Yet this is the hardest word I learnt this year - bye.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Holiday ends so fast
Well, this long weekend is really a recuperation-from-work period for me. Most of the time I'm eating, resting or roaming. Err... Does it resembles a pig's lifestyle? And I think if I go on this way for a few months, I will grow to look like a pig as well - lazy, slouchy and fleshy. Anyway, holiday is over and here I am sitting in front of my workdesk again. What have I got to say? Well... Think some of you might have guessed it right: Works sucks!
Counting down to the next holiday, which is in December. Gosh... Exactly 1 month...
December = holiday month = bonus month
Looking forward to it. Ho ho ho~ $_$
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hazy dayz
Take care everybody... Maybe should start buying some masks to stock up if our neighbour still don't do anything to it. But I guess Singaporeans won't put on mask unless the government says so. You know lah, Singaporeans ah... very obedient one... Even if the haze is so bad that you can only see 100 metres ahead, government never say anything, we would presume that its still safe to go out with our naked nostrils. In my opinion, Singaporeans are just too reliant on the government.
Oh yeah... 3 more working days and it’s the long weekend. Woohoo~
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Cleared my work mess
Counting down to Deepavali and Hari Raya holiday. Argh... Around 1 and a half more week. So near yet so far...

Friday, October 06, 2006
Be happy for what you are
Love, food, shelter. There're a few millions of people including babies and children who are deprived of them. The next time when you throw any food away, think of these people. Your unwanted leftovers could be a feast to others.
Don't waste food and water.
Love yourself. Love everyone around you.
God bless.
P.S: Click on the image for a bigger view to read the wordings of the bottom picture.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Bad headache
It was quite minor 3 days back. But today its getting worst. Now even when I turn my head, I can feel the tightness and pain in my head. The worst thing is that I'm having minor cough now, the tension created in my head makes me frown as I cough. Ya... So you can imagine my weird look when I cough =þ
Arghh... Feels like I'm Sun Wu Kong now, getting headache with the tightened-crown when Tang Shang Zhang chants the "evil spell". Yes, I'm going to the doctor later after my work to ask him to release that stupid crown, or perhaps give me some poison to make Tang Shang Zhang dumb. Hahaha... Ignore my nonsense. The headache is not making me think well.
Monday, October 02, 2006
The darkie strikes again!
Sensed something wrong on my left. Turned my head.
OMG... What the hell?! Its that darkie again!
Walked to the next cabin to avoid him.
Eunos. Cabin became less crowded.
Darkie walked over to the cabin where I'm standing while I walked to the linkage between 2 cabins (ma chiam playing chess or doing some indian dance).
He found a good seat and sat down diagonally opposite where I'm standing.
I watched him closely.
His eyes roaming at first.
Thought he had "turned good".
But no. As usual, the story repeats (see below entry for the story)
To summarise: a look-and-stare war.
I took some snaps of him.

Ladies: Beware.
Mum of this darkie: I don't think I look old, but I think your son miss you
Lover of this darkie: I think your man mistook me as you
Friend of this darkie: Pls ask your friend to put on his specs if he's short sighted. I definitely don't look like his mother or lover. If not he'll be bashed out of the train some day *cracking knuckles*
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Idiotic darkie
This morning I met an irritating darkie who keeps looking at me on the train. He's a Bungladesh I think.
As usual, I was standing on the linkage between 2 cabins. Initally this idiotic darkie was standing near the window, think he find it straining for his neck, walked over and stood diagonally opposite me, continued to look at me as I was reading Today. I stared hard at him occassionally and he looked away.
Eventually I can't ta han, found a seat to sit down and few minutes later, he was sitting opposite me. What the hell?! Never mind... When I alighted from the train and reached the bottom of the escalator, I still see him on the escalator looking at me.

Next time I should take out my camera phone and start snapping at the people who keeps staring at me =þ Looking for a fight, ain't I?

Monday, September 25, 2006
Going strong
Eyes closed,
Music blasted.
Sinking heart,
Recovering soul,
Time needed to heal from head to toe.
Going strong,
Getting tough,
Nothing gonna break me down.
Earth revolves,
Day still pasts,
A fact to face no matter what.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Walking zombie
Slept at 3am the night before and 1am yesterday night, waking up at 7am for work. Yawn... Its Friday today. What have I gotta say? Well... Still... Work life sucks! And work life plus daily night life will shorten my life x_x
Think I'm just not that kinda party animal who can play late and still stay alert and fresh the next day. Coz my eyes will be half shut especially after lunch... Sweets and sour plums will be lying right in front of my table waving frantically at me... Occasionally my mind will shut off from the outside world and I'll be in my own dark world with the Z-monsters... And the ringing of the phone sounds just like my alarm clock that wakes me up... =þ
Hell... I'm so sleepy now...
Somebody - Depeche Mode
I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and
With every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of
Those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it
Monday, September 18, 2006
Stoning more & more often
Felt like the weekends were just a dream, dunno what I've been doing.
I'm in a lost mood now. The feeling is like a cub who've strayed away from its protecting parents - feeling lost, trying desperately to look for the pillar of support. My buddy always ask me to be strong. I think I've been strong enough to be able to make it to this point. All the emotional struggles, its making me weak and training me to be stronger as well.
Been stoning very often nowadays; just staring at a spot but I dun really know what I'm thinking. But by doing that juat makes me feel at ease, its like for that moment I'm in an angelic world of my own, time just freezes and I'll always be in that comfort zone. Freaky behaviour huh?
Dar, time will heal everything ya? Give ourselves a bit more time...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Depeche Mode Rocks !!!
Anyway, so here I am updating the blog and listening/watching some youtube clips by Depeche Mode. My all time favourite band, Depeche Mode Rawks!!! I can just go gaga whenever I hear their songs being played in pubs/disco. Gonna buy their the Best Of CD which will only be released in November, wondering if it'll be released in Singapore. Can't wait to get my hands on them.
K, think I shall go sleep now, tomorrow will be a busy day.
Depeche Mode Rawks !!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
There's gotta be sunshine after the rain
Now I not only see the sunshine, I also see the beautiful rainbow across the sky.
I didn’t have enough sleep yesterday night, but I'm feeling great today coz God did gave me a push as I requested yesterday. After a long time of depressed period, I suddenly felt so light.
Happy or sad, you still gotta pass your day; so choose to live happily. I'm now learning to appreciate life.
Thanks God, thanks angel.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
WTF... I think all problems will be solved if I'm gone for good...
God, pls give me some strength. I'm working hard. Problems gonna be solved soon. I'm picking myself from hell. But seems like you're not on my side.
Pls give me a little push and a bit more time. That's all I ask for.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Dar's back
Sometimes when one is too used to a certain lifestyle, its kinda difficult to switch. Sitting and waiting. Its not a good feeling...
Monday, September 04, 2006
I hate Monday
I have piles of paperwork waiting to be checked and file. Anyone can help me? Sigh... Sianz... Think can consider going MOS with Kee every Wed after my dance class to let the hair down. Ladies' night, retro night. Yeah... I like retro... Last week's music was not bad, Kee looked forward to "YMCA" which wasn’t played. Perhaps was played after we left *shrugz*
Arghh... Its Monday, I hate Monday.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me,
Just a normal day to me,
Still a working day for me,
Happy birthday to me...
Yea... Happy birthday to me, nothing great... Still gotta wake up at 7am today, sit in front of my office pc, still gotta work, gotta reply to emails, listen to phone calls... Sigh.. 1 more year older... Birthday wish? World peace (model answer for beauty pageant)
P.S: Dear frenz, thanks for all your birthday greetings. I simple thought or gesture is worth a goose to me. =)
How to stop ppl from bugging
How to stop people from bugging you about getting married
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."
They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Finally cut my hair
Stupid hairdresser cut until so many layers, my hair 翘 here and there so messy. Sigh... gotta wait for it to become longer le...
Satisfaction level for my hair : 0%

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Happy lunar birthday

My mum is a typical hokkien and she insist that everyone in the family must eat a bowl of mee-suah on our lunar birthday. And so when I reach home after my 89757 lesson, mum cooked a VERY big bowl of mee-suah for me with 2 hard boil eggs, a chicken thigh and lotsa mushrooms (my favourite). Yum yum... Oh ya, and thanks bro for his little piece of chicken cutlet also. Ya... that brown brown thing at the top of pic is actually the chicken cutlet. Pardon for the lousy picture.
Such a big bowl with so many extra stuffs, eat until my stomach big big...
Thanks mum...

Friday, August 11, 2006
Lousy day
Today is a lousy day. Another busy-with-line-down work day while I'm still in my holiday mood. Sianz... Sucky day... Dar came back for 1 day yesterday and had to go back 4am wee morning to continue his course. Looking forward to his return
The office is freaking cold today, my fingers are icy cold. Crazy aircon. Last week it wasn't working fine, making the office stuffy like hell. Now I'm ma chiam working inside a fridge. Another half day to go... Argh...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Happy Birthdays
August is a good month.
August is a holiday month after so long since the last Vesak holiday in May. August is Singapore's birthday month(happy birthday Singapore!). August is my birthday month (one year older le...). August is my brother's birthday month (happy birthday too bro!). And I just thought of a friend of mine who's no longer around, her birthday is just a few days before mine... happy birthday to you Lily (you'll be miss...)
Read in Today, Lebanon's death toll crosses 1000 with more Israeli's bombings and there's a pic showing a man sitting amongst the rubble crying. Its sad. The page just next to this article is a shopping advertisement with the words "Happy Birthday Singapore" flashed across it. Extreme contrast.
Aren't you happy and proud to be a Singaporean?
Power or Peace?
This land I'll forsake and proclaim not mine.
When things end up in blood and tears,
I'll throw the white flag and surrounder my gears.
If it stops the carnage and you'll retreat,
Power is nothing comparing humanity and peace.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Chocolate fondue

Full fondue set
Milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate
Fruits: strawberries and bananas
Marshmellow and bread crumbs
Thursday, July 20, 2006
The world is changing
A guy approached me at MRT yesterday, asked me for my number. For some personal issues, I felt depressed, lost and my mind wasn't working fine yesterday. Normally I will just wave my hand "no" and immediately walk away. But being in a retarded-mood I actually gave him my company number. Just now, he sms me, I told him I'm married. He asked if we can still meet up.

Isn't it wierd? I thought guys will back-off once he knows that you're married? No? Maybe he thinks I'm joking with him.
Life's that short few 10s of years
Guan Yin Mah played some jokes on me yesterday. Mostly bad ones. I'm now trying to take them lightly, just want my tired mind to ease, want my half-dead heart to nurse. Keep telling myself that life is never a bed of roses, God gave us that few ten-years to live. You're in control of how you want it to be. Some choose to destroy it with evil deeds, most worked very hard through their life to make ends meet, some millions out there roaming along the streets half naked or sick waiting to be feed, many don't know how fortunate they have been and wouldn't even touch the whole plate of dish when they see a tiny fly in it. I thought through my life, I'm umpteen times fortunate than alot of people out there who are suffering from hunger, sick with no medicine to cure, lying on a hard ground waiting for god to take their life away. So what more should I ask? I wish each and everyone around the world healthy and happy. Money can't buy these.
When you think there's no meaning in life, when you find that everything you do seems to go wrong, when you feel like everyone seems to dislike you and nobocy cares; think of the people who are less fortunate than you who don't know what to do everyday and your family member who's always there for you. Someone used to told me, we can't compare such way coz we're living in different kind of world. But aren't they human too? You mean they don't have feeling? No pain? No worries? Pardon me if you think the same way as this someone do, but I think you're a bastard. And those terrorist out there with nothing to do but create havoc are such a disgrace that I think even a beast can't tolerate their acts.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I feel the drift
Tired... Slept less than 2 hours yesterday night. Being worried-sick for nothing... Sigh... I doubt if he understand how worried-sick I was, how my pillow was wet with tears waiting for a simple sms or call, finally fell asleep around 4am but keep waking up every 15 min to check the mobile. Now I truely understand why worried-sick is called such.
Saw a quote from "i"-mag remarked by a famous director which I find so meaningful. It goes something like this... "When a person is lying on deathbed, close to dying. He won't be thinking why he didn't strive harder and excel in his carrer or work longer hours to earn more money. He'll be thinking and regreting why he hasn't been spending time with his family and be there when his friends need him." Did it touched your heart? Well, its touches mine, deep enough to make me reflect.
We were so closed to reaching each other's hand on the buoy,
Yet a strong wave came and pull us away.
Further and further we drifted apart,
Despite attempts to swim close and not to part.
We shouted across to each other,
Encouraging and spuring one another.
How long will this go I wonder,
As our shout finally became murmur.
Then I saw you swimming over tired and persistant,
Reaching to my hands that are wrinkled and cold.
Reassuring that everything is fine,
We sank together with your hands in mine.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Sweet dreamz...
I wish I'll never wake up from the dream...
Find the song below by Blue is so meaningful...
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Music by Elton John
Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
What have I got to do to make you love me
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there
What do I do to make you want me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I say when it's all over
And sorry seems to be the hardest word
It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word
What do I do to make you love me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I do when lightning strikes me
What have I got to do
What have I got to do
When sorry seems to be the hardest word
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
What's the meaning of...
Anyone know what exactly na bei means? Hmm... Wonder if the meaning is very offensive...
Joke of the day:
At Cabana East Coast waiting for the scoccer match between England and Paraguay to start...
Kee (looking at the meu) : Ehh... what's the difference between mocktail and cocktail huh?
Me (being bored) : Oh... Mocktail you drink already will make fun of people coz drink liao will mock alot. Cocktail you drink already will talk alot coz drink liao you will talk cock...
Kee & me: ... ...

Monday, June 12, 2006
Just another down side of life
Didn't we agree that we must strive hard while we're still young to earn our 1st $100K before the age of 30? Life is full of ups and downs and we're just undergoing the down side of life now. Give ourself 1 more year, life will be better. You've been a loving, great and flawless husband. Love isn't about having to spending every minute and second together, its about knowing that someone special out there is thinking of you every minute and second.
Happy 5 year anni, I love you...
Friday, June 09, 2006
June is a happening mth
Ya... its the Great Singapore Sale now. So did you bought you anything for the past few days or intend to get anything in the following weeks? Well, I bought mostly the neccessities, like vitamin C skin booster, Eucerin shower oil and body lotion (what the hack, Eucerin and Cetaphil are so damn expensive, if not for my sensitive skin...) And all these actually save me more than 10 bucks after the discount. I'm still thinking what are the stuffs I need so I can get them during these few weeks in discounted prices. Hmm...
1 thing I hate about shopping at this season is that every shopping center you go, its always so crowded. You see people digging in piles of clothes hoping to find something good and cheap, people crowding in front of the mirror to see if the top fits them or people holding the pants around their neck to see if it'll fit their waist coz the stupid fitting room's queue is forever so long, you see the men sian-sian standing around the lingerie department arm-folded waiting for their girlfriend/wife, sometimes even going toilet is such a chore coz of the long queue. Well... after all, the few dollars of discounts can gather to be quite a hefty sum of savings. Hmm... Buy more, buy more... help Singapore boost the economy. Buy more, buy more... go home you look at your shopping bags and you regret more...
Staying up this midnight to watch the first match between Germany vs Costa Rica and Poland vs Ecuador?
Nah... I'll be the live audience in the stadium with Uncle-Zhou in my dream...
Friday, May 26, 2006
Well, its none of my business. But the black paint dripping onto the floor as the Ah-Long aka loan shark make their way to the lift after getting their job done is my problem.

Sometimes I find these Ah-Long abit dumb. You know, people already owe them money and they still needa waste money to buy paints, markers and pig's head occassionally. And these Ah-Long's men can't sleep at night coz they must wait until its late at night when everyone is sleeping then they secretly do it. I mean, so what if you splash paint and all the whole block of neighbours know that this unit owes you money? When people are desperate and short of cash, they don't care what you do as long as they have the money borrowed to solve their financial problem. And I just don't understand why they know they will expect bad debts and they're still willing to lend people money. The world have lotsa of wierd people.
Wonder if other countries have Ah-Long also? And wonder what tactics they use when people don't pay up. Maybe the Ah-Longs worldwide should meet together to share their tips and experience. Hmm... I think the police will also be happy if there is one.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
89757, dancing 7-shou-8-jiao
Yes, I'll be learning exactly the same dance moves as the clip above and that babe in the white cap is our dancing instructor, XK. While teaching us the first 8 beats of dance steps, she was like counting "1... and... 2... and... 3... and..." . After that we tried dancing to the beats of the music and we were like all lost, coz the beats are so fast, "1 and 2 and 3...", no dragging in between the on & and beats. Everyone was like laughing at the end of that short 8-beats dance steps coz we look so clumpsy and stupid. And the only dance moves we did correctly are the first 2 and last steps. It took us more than 15 mins to learn that 8-beat dance steps but it ended in less than 10 seconds dancing to the music. *Sweat*
Somemore this dance must "gek" that stupid robotic moves then nice. Jia lat... more to come... Feel like backing out. But it'll definitely be more fulfiling after completing the course for this 89757 then Jolin's Shuo-Ai-Ni.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Its Monday already?!

Feels like I was sitting at my workdesk just yesterday, as though my weekends are just like a dream, woke up this morning and its like "Sigh... Its morning again, did I actually had my weekend?". Weekend passes by so fast.
Watched MI3 on Saturday. A great movie. Feels that Tom Cruise is not as yan-dao as before, think age is catching up on him? Yesterday went to KTV with dar and kee. Its been more than 3 months since I last went to KTV And with all the new songs coming up, I'm still singing those usual old songs. Hmmm... come to think of it, realised that I seldom listen to the radio. The only time I really get to listen to radio is in the taxi, car or van. No wonder I know only old songs.
Kinda excited over a little biz plan in mind. I wanna be rich ! I wanna quit and leave my company ! But I think I'll still need to stuck here for another... half year? I hope...
Friday, May 19, 2006

Will be learning JJ's 89757. Heard Ash says that the dance steps are very nice but difficult. Make me both excited and worried. Did I used to mention that I'm one of the oldest student in the dance class? Well... ya... most of them are in their teens, while I'm moving into all the "TIES". You know..."TIES" as in twenTIES, thirTIES, forTIES. Old bone with a little bit slower processor as compared to the teens. Haa... Sad...
Used to hear people say that once you cross the 21-year-old age line, your age will jump and increase in a flash. Find it quite true. Think I better start planning for my retirement now.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
WTF !!!
I have this lousy sales exec which I am handling some of his accounts. Lousy, inefficient, ineffective, zo bo l** at work... What he's good at? PR. No wonder he's in the sales line. Yes, can talk, cannot work. WTF... The management should not only give sales commision, they should give CS commision too, coz we clear all the shit and work like hell...
Oh God, please have eyes...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Ill-fated heels
Suay... This is the 3rd time my heel-shoe broke halfway while I'm walking to the MRT, on my way to work.
The... errm... how do I call that? Cloth? Leather? Ah... whatever... It just came out from the lousy sewing and while I'm crossing the road, it came loose and I gotta walk back looking crippled. Luckily its just a few metres from my home, if not I'll have to be crippled all the way from the MRT back home. The past 2 times, it was much further from my home, also on my way to MRT to work, the "whatever" broke and came loose and it's impossble for me to wear it back home. So I barefooted and ran back home to change another pair of shoes coz I'm running late for work. Si-bay-suay...
Think next time I should avoid wearing heels, must wear those kinda executive clog-shoes, or boots whereby the material will have no chance to break through the lousy seams and come loose. Haa... who knows skarely the whole piece of leather come out. Wah... that'll be super suay man... Or maybe I should buy those super adhesive super-glue to go round my heels so that the material wouldn't come out. The lifespan of my heel shoes are usually less than 2 years. Just don't understand why all my heel shoes have such fate. Sigh...
Monday, May 08, 2006
Everyday its wake-up, eat, work/play, shit, urine, sleep...
Sometimes I wonder if I die, how many people will cry for me.
I'll think of my life after death. Will I still be born a human?
Or a wild boar who'll kenna slaughtered when the "time is up"?
Or an ant who's kenna suffocated and poisoned by the pesticide while sleeping? Or a fish who's just hungry and wanted to take a bite on the bait and ended up being grilled or steamed the next moment in the wok?
Well... I believe in Karma. Yes I do. Alicia Key had sang it well and sum it all in just one chord in her song, Karma. "What goes around comes around, what goes up must come down".
Am I abnormal? Or am I suffering from depression? (

Its another lousy day today. I'm beginning to hate my job...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Bo ka-lau
Have the urge to tender. Sigh...
Joke of the day:
Ah Beng and Ah Lian bought 2 big bags of durian from Geylang and were on their way home to Woodlands in their motorbike.
Along the way, they crossed a big hump and suddenly Ah Beng heard a very loud "gong".
Ah Beng: Durian ka-lau (drop in hokkien) ah?
Ah Lian: Bo ka-lau ! Bo ka-lau !
So Ah Beng continued to acelerate and sped home. When they reach carpark...
Ah Beng: Eh... Where's your helmet?!
Ah Lian, very angry: Just now I told you! Bo ka-lau!
Ah Beng:

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Back to work after long weekend. Tired... My yawning rate now is like 3 yawns per minute. Bad... this is so bad... If this goes on till 1730, think my mouth will turn sore.
Looking forward to another long weekend next week. Hope dar will recover soon from his fever.

Thursday, April 27, 2006
I still like Tiramitsu

Hubby's finally back last Friday

Did I mention about my Genting trip last Friday? Went with hubby and my in-laws. Ya... It wasn't as cold anymore, pathetically won RM30 after spending 70% of my time in the casino

Sigh... How nice it'll be if I can stay Genting for one month and don't have to work. Happy happy go shopping, happy happy go casino, happy happy go theme park, happy happy go and try the food at different restaurants. Sigh... Daydreaming again...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
OMG! Am I too conservative?

I can't ta han that guy. OK, the scenario is at such. The gal is standing against the cabin wall and this horny bf is standing in front of her. The gal did not hug her or whatsoever, her hands were against the wall also. The guy is doing all the "action". This kinky bf hugged her and kissed her. And its rush hour mind you, there're so many people on the train around them and were looking at them. Well, the Bang-ga-lah had free show

Lucky they alighted shortly after I board the train. See that horny face of that guy really feel like giving him a tight slap.

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Sore throat, cough, fever, flu...
Well, it shouldn't be it coz I had actually planned my programmes for the weekend already. Friday was supposed to go to Judy's Church activity for their Good Friday celebration at Aljunied and Saturday was supposed to go KTV with Kristine. And well... I had sore throat and cough on Wednesday, so there goes the KTV session with Kristine. Thursday night was down with high fever, and well again, there goes the Friday activity to Judy's church invitation. Sigh...
Been staying at home these 3 days, sleeping and recuperating, starting to grow cobsweb *brush brush*. For the 1st time, I can't wait for Monday to come. 1 thing coz I don't have to laze at home having nothing to do, another thing is hubby's finally coming back from Brunei on Friday!!! Yay!!! Exhilarating! Happy! Looking forward! Miss him sssooooooo... ssooooooo.... much.
And this week's gonna be busy week too. Needa collect keys from my tenant tomorrow, meet Susie and gang on Tuesday, facial on Wednesday, Thursday will be clearing as much of my job as possible so I can safely go on leave on Friday. Friday morning will be going airport to fetch hubby. =D
Argh... can't wait for Friday to come.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Suspicious article
I was standing quite near it and felt uneasy to see this suspicious article lying just beside me. You know, the space in the bus is limited and its quite normal for people to put their bulky stuffs wherever there is space while you occasionally will keep an eye on it. I looked around to try to see who's that person with that "eyes-on-it" look, but all I can see are Ah-peks looking outside the windows. There were these 2 teenagers standing near the "suspicious article" also and thought it belongs to the person standing right beside it. But when the latter alighted, the 2 teenagers looked at the luggage and exchanged suspicious glares at each other. I can imagine the dialogue cloud above their head "OMG... Suspicious article..." Anyway, they alighted shortly, mumbling among themselves. And me too, alighted shortly after them.
Will you report to the bus driver if you were me?
I wanted to report, but I was trying to convince myself that this branded luggage definitely belongs to someone on the bus... I have that urge to open up that luggage at a moment after looking around and staring at the luggage for very long, you know, the owner will definitely stand up and yell at me but at least I know it belongs to that stupid fella who left it unattended, creating unnecessary agonise... I suddenly thought how horrible my death will be if its really a bomb and blasted right in front of me... Was thinking of this... Worrying of that... Before I know it, I've reached my stop. And so, nothing was done. Haa...
But since there's no news of any bus "tragedy" in Singapore yesterday (pardon me for being sadist), I believe that luggage must have belong to someone on the bus. The posters and repeating reminders in the MRT on fighting terrorism have been effective ya? At least the teenagers and me are kinda worried when we saw that suspicious article.
Still wondering which fella left that luggage unattended... Hmm...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Just bored

Joke of the day:
Our sales director was promoted to Senior sales director and treated everyone with "tiny bites" like curry puff, cakes, otah, etc... At the gathering area:
Victor : Wah... Senior Director treat us with such stuffs only ah..
Sia : Ya lor, if its Victor, he will treat everyone a meal everyday for 3 days... but at kopi tiam downstairs lah...
Victor : Huh... Boh lah... what kopi tiam, during my funeral wake lah...
Everybody with food in their laugh : Hahaha...
Victor continues to say that we shouldn't be afraid to discuss and plan with the family members for such stuffs when we die. Afterall, everyone have to die, its only a matter of time.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
No money no talk
You know, the government encourages entrepreneurship. Me and dar had alot of business plans in mind, all we need are lotsa capital and guts. After reading up quite a few books on getting rich, I suddenly felt like quiting my job and start up my own business. Well... but there're so many things to consider. Just a 4 letter Q.U.I.T., you have to think of so many repercussions. Maybe that's why I'm always trapped in the rat race. Gotta get out of it !
My friend just told me that another classmate whom we've seen for only 6 times in our dance class wanted to borrow $100 from her to enrol in the hip-hop class. Don't you find such people so @%#$!*. No money still want to join such classes. And I think she's enrolling G-style also?! My friend, despite having financial difficulties, lent $50 to her. What the heck, felt so angry and foolish for my friend. This $50 could be used by my friend to pay for her family's utilities bill. That gal is only 16, where can she get the money to return my friend other than her parents? And we only know this classmate in the dance class for less than 2 months?! Think my friend felt a bit foolish to lend her money after I lecture her abit coz she starts to plan how to get back her money already.
Come to think of it, that classmate really knows how to choose people whom she know can definitely lend her money. My friend is too friendly, nice and kind in the class, ma chiam mama-san taking care of the young ones coz both of us were consider one of the oldest in the class. Whereas in the class I'm the type "nice and kind but I'm just here for dance and fun". Arghh... wondering when Sasha will call us and inform about our class schedule. No news till now... Boring, nothing to look forward to during the weekday...
Grumbling, grumbling... signs of aging... hahaha...
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Walking day
Yesterday morning, woke up around 10am. Brushed my teeth and went to have brunch with mum at the market. Ate yong tau foo, requested for bee hoon dry, but it seems more like bee hoon soup. Don't really like it, only ate up the yong tau foo. =þ
Met Fangqi at 3.30pm at City Hall MRT. Walked from 3.30pm to 9.30pm, it's been long since I had walked continously for so long. Well, we went Marina Square to shop around, was quite some time since I last went there and realised some of the previously blocked-up areas are already open and linked. Around 7pm, we went Taka, intending to look for Limin who's working at Hagen Dazz, but she wasn't on shift. Oh well... There goes our ice cream treat.
Your call really brightens my day. Feels great to hear your manly voice on the phone though I can't see you.
Today, was a nua-ing day at home. Played with Yun and Xuan, surf net, watch TV... Nothing better to do. Later will be watch the Campus Superstar...
Dunno what I'm writing and dunno what to write. Just wanna tell you what I've been doing when you're back. Miss you lotz...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
blood boiling
Its important to know your limits. Physically not so fit don't do for such atheletic or sporting activitiy lah. What for challenge your mental and physical fitness and lost your life away? Haiyo, then so many people have to be sad for you and "non-related" people have to be busy for you. Rest in peace colonel...
Will miss you lots when you're at Brunei hubby. Jia you, take good care of yourself ya...
Will be counting down everyday to your return. Muackz...
Droplets accumulating in my eyes.
So many thing to say, dut don't know where to start.
Just let the words turn into tears,
And flow down through the windows of my soul
Love you lots hubby, jia you...
The toughest man I've seen,
The best man being,
And its you...
Friday, March 10, 2006
Corporate lessons learnt
- Never step on your boss's tail
- Even if you're sure that you had finished the prioritised work among the load of piling tasks, make sure those prioritised works you had completed are also consider prioritised in the eyes of your boss and customer.
- Bootlicking is still one of the best and essential survival kit in corporate world.
- Work performance contributes to only 10% for increment/promotion; most of the time you work harder than your colleague but the payback ends up to be the same or perhaps lower than that "pet".
- It doesn't matter that you have a lousy superior who know nuts on the job. But he/she must know how to fight for your wellness, benefit and remuneration.
- Woman boss are more aggressive.
- If you want to earn alot and work little in a company as an employee, work your way to the top of the corporate ladder. (I always see the director in my ex-company dozing away and reading newspapers. I'll sack him if I were the President.)
Friday, February 17, 2006
Dance class excitment
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Another weekend gone
Aimless, boring, sianz... -_-
TOTO aftermath
Well, life will be more meaningful and there'll be something to look forward to if you have a dream. So nevermind, I'll try again. By the way, in case you're thinking that I'm a regular lottery-siao, I only buy TOTO once every year when the pay-out sum is in millions. Million leh... Like in this case 10 million, you can stay at home and shake leg until your legs wobble you know... 10 million you can donate $1000 in a donation tin and treat it like the 10 cents which you usually donate you know? 10 million you can lay the notes nicely on the bed and treat it as bedsheet leh...
Anyway, so my long-awaiting millionaire "kiao-kar" life is gone. Monday is yet another ordinary working day just that I'm 20 bucks poorer for donating to the Singapore Pools. =þ
For those who win, big or small, congrats...
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Across the stream you see a blossoming field,
Buzzing with butterflies amist the green.
You choose not to wade across the milky stream,
Believing the barren ground your're standing will grow and reap.
Weeks turn months and months turn years.
There comes a point when you're totally devastating.
Anger & whine, sadness & tears.
All the waiting makes you gain nothing.
You finally woke up from your reverie,
Deciding to give up the barren field for the green.
Its good to have a passion to nurture and see,
But move on when you know there's really nothing worth clinging.
For there's always a greener meadow somewhere,
That is worth the finding and sowing.
New Year, New Blog
. Here's my new blogspot in the new year of 2006 !
Ok, ok... So you realised that my old diary
wasn't that updated ya? With pathetically one post in year 2005? Well, I hope I'll update more often in this new blog of mine.
I welcome any comments, disagreement, objection.... whatever which you think you like, disagree or find offensive in my post. I will take them humbly...
Alright its 2.16am now, shall go to sleep now. Will try to update soon...