Friday, June 22, 2007

TL day!

This morning took bus 87 to work, boarded the bus and found a seat on the face-to-face long seat in the double-deck superbus and sat down. Then a ta-ma-de bastard who wear white and blue flowery shirt sat beside me. Ta-ma-de he's not very big size lor, but ta-ma-de he sat very close to me and ta-ma-de the bell pole is just beside me and I can't move my leg and ta-ma-de I have to shift and ta-ma-de squeeze my buttock with only half a seat. Fuck! TL ! Think the people sitting opposite me must have saw my TL face coz I keep "gin-ing" at the ta-ma-de flowery bastard. Feel like pulling his hair and give him a punch in his pockmarked face.

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