Wow, its been so long since I last updated this blog. Well, I've been so lazy to update the blog, especially from Nov to March since hubby was outstationed in Afg. I was all alone to look after Rainie myself at night. I'm glad I had a nice and helpful parents-in-law who had been helping me to look after her during hubby's absence.
Anyway, little Rainie had started to walk recently ard her 16th months. And I guess its time for her to go attend some playgroup to learn things and social with other kids. She had been notti, mischevious and 古灵精怪... Hubby and I are worried that she might beat the kids in school coz she always slap us for no reason -_-|||
Well, initially I thought of sending her to weekend gym class. And so last Thursday we brought her to My Gym at Parkway for a trial class, and another trial class last Sunday at Gymboree. I personally prefered Gymboree coz I felt it was more lively with more kids. Hubby prefered My Gym as the class was smaller with more facilitators, 5 kids, 3 faciliators versus 13 kids, 1 facilitator at Gymboree. Anyway, after much researching, I realise we can actually bring her to this kinda playgym to build her motor skills at cheaper price at alot of places. Like Polliwigs, Explorerkid, Go-Go-Bambini, etc. . So, now I'm thinking of enrolling her at Julia Gabriel which Sylvia recommended me. I shall bring her to a trial class at Julia Gabriel next month when Rainie turns 18 months.
I'm also torn between Talentplus and My First Skool at Bedok. Tsk... One is 2 hour program while the other is whole day childcare. But I think most probably will put her in Talentplus coz I really don't bear to let her stay in the childcare the whole day although she could learn more things over there with longer hours.. Sigh... Dilemma...
Shall not rant so much over a mummy's woes. Am planning to bring Rainie to Polliwigs to explore this Saturday. I'm so excited coz from their
website, it looks fun and there's a nice and cosy corner for parents too !
OK, will update again (if I'm not lazy) on my trip to Polliwigs.