Went to the Partyworld at Orchard. It was a "JJ-concert cum farewell session" for Amanda who will be leaving HGST this month.
As usual, Joey performed her 爱不怕 despite that she just recovered from her sore throat. Thumbs up for her 卖力的演出 =D
And there's also special "highlights" from others where they are asked to perform involuntarily.
Jasmine almost "chua sai" when YX pulled her out to perform 阿雅's chua-bing song. Coz we don't expect the "performers" to sing only, but also dance together with the song. And Joey was standing beside them demonstrating how to do the dance. Wahaha...
"红豆! 大红豆! 芋头! ㄘㄨㄚ╝ ㄘㄨㄚ╝ㄘㄨㄚ╝ 你要加什么料... " Find this song a bit "sam-baht" -_-|||
Anyway, we enjoyed ourselves as we clap and use sand-pong-pong (dunno what it's called) and the other also dunno call what props to heighten the performance.
Sang lotsa other oldies, super-chee-na, hokkien and cantonese songs.
We ended the whole session with "Auld Lang Syne" and a big toast to Amanda for her future endeavour. The whole scene was so heartwarming and touching; we sang and sway to the song with our arms interlocked.
We left the ktv around 11.45pm. And all of us were like so tired when we reached office the next day @_@ Anyway, this ktv session is definitely better and more fun than the previous one.