This morning I met an irritating darkie who keeps looking at me on the train. He's a Bungladesh I think.
As usual, I was standing on the linkage between 2 cabins. Initally this idiotic darkie was standing near the window, think he find it straining for his neck, walked over and stood diagonally opposite me, continued to look at me as I was reading Today. I stared hard at him occassionally and he looked away.
Eventually I can't ta han, found a seat to sit down and few minutes later, he was sitting opposite me. What the hell?! Never mind... When I alighted from the train and reached the bottom of the escalator, I still see him on the escalator looking at me.

Next time I should take out my camera phone and start snapping at the people who keeps staring at me =þ Looking for a fight, ain't I?