Egypt was a super relaxing and magnificiently majestic trip. Our tour group only have hubby and me. Haa... So its like we have a personal tour guide and driver.

The 4 days on the Nile cruise is really "relaxing". There's nothing much to do on the cruise, the only leisure facility available is a pathetically small pool. TV programs are mostly in arabic languages and the signal is so poor that when they start to sail you only see black and white dots and moving lines with "SSSssss...." sounds

We took all sorts of transport during this honeymoon trip - air, sea, land, rail. You name it, we got it. Aeroplane la, car la, coach, train, cruise, motor boat, sailing boat, horse carriage, camel ride and hot air balloon! Yea, yea... happening right... we went on hot air ballon the very next morning when we reach Luxor! We get to see them setting up the hot air balloon when we reach there. The balloon ride was hot and fun. Get to see sunrise on the hot air balloon and very nice scenary.
Went to visit alot of Egypt temples and ancient ruins during our stay there. The most memorable one would be Abul Simbel. Coz they literally cut out the huge stone temple and move it 200m away from the river that is always flooding and reconstruct it. And I tell you, the temple is not like the kind we see in Singapore lor, its stones lor and the temple is like more than 20 stories high. It was amazing lor, wonder how the people are able to do such things in the past. In fact, all the ancient ruins and temples are amazing lor, coz all the walls are engraved with stories or names, and I mean the WHOLE wall, even the ceilings. Its unbelievable how they do it in those old time with primitive tools and I can't imagine the life that the past Egyptian lives in.
Well, the weather was super hot when we were there. Even the wind that was blowing was sometimes warm. The food there really bei-hao-gor, everyday is gor-song bread of various shapes, pasta, chicken, mutton, potatoes, wierd vegetables... Their style of cooking just doesnt suits my taste

Their road very dak-gong. The traffic lights seems to be standing there for decoration coz they never works. The car hornings are non-stop especially for busy roads. Our last 2 days at Egypt were free and easy, so Hubby and I took cabs to our destinations. Their over-taking skill is of superb accuracy lor. Saad-saad-bo-chio... They zoom here zoom there, squeeze through in between cars which we thought were not possible coz the space seems so small. And don't bother to walk to the traffic light to cross the road; in Egypt, jay-walk is the way.
Wanted to post up some pictures, but I'm just too lazy to do it. Gee... Will try to do it one of these days.