Full fondue set
Milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate
Fruits: strawberries and bananas
Marshmellow and bread crumbs
Full fondue set
Milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate
Fruits: strawberries and bananas
Marshmellow and bread crumbs
Tired... Slept less than 2 hours yesterday night. Being worried-sick for nothing... Sigh... I doubt if he understand how worried-sick I was, how my pillow was wet with tears waiting for a simple sms or call, finally fell asleep around 4am but keep waking up every 15 min to check the mobile. Now I truely understand why worried-sick is called such.
Saw a quote from "i"-mag remarked by a famous director which I find so meaningful. It goes something like this... "When a person is lying on deathbed, close to dying. He won't be thinking why he didn't strive harder and excel in his carrer or work longer hours to earn more money. He'll be thinking and regreting why he hasn't been spending time with his family and be there when his friends need him." Did it touched your heart? Well, its touches mine, deep enough to make me reflect.
We were so closed to reaching each other's hand on the buoy,
Yet a strong wave came and pull us away.
Further and further we drifted apart,
Despite attempts to swim close and not to part.
We shouted across to each other,
Encouraging and spuring one another.
How long will this go I wonder,
As our shout finally became murmur.
Then I saw you swimming over tired and persistant,
Reaching to my hands that are wrinkled and cold.
Reassuring that everything is fine,
We sank together with your hands in mine.
Some words from Angelz:
Nice & touching song